VELLO Klapprad Weltrekord: Das gab's noch nie!

432km VELLO on a folding bike: This cyclist breaks the world record!

VELLO mechatronics engineer Nils Anger makes history: he covers the longest distance on a 20-inch folding bike with gears in 24 hours, breaking the world record!

The 19-year-old from Vienna loves the extreme conditions of long distances: In autumn 2022, he rode to Sofia with his twin brother, then from Helsinki to the North Cape in summer 2023 - all in all, around 1,500 kilometers. On his VELLO 20-inch folding bike, of course, which is the ideal companion for cycling trips with overnight stays in a tent thanks to its low weight and space-saving folding design.

432 kilometers in one day

During his folding bike tours, Nils came up with the idea of taking part in a real race. At the DEKRA Lausitzring in Brandenburg, where racing cars normally do their laps, the future world record winner competed against other cycling enthusiasts in the Velofondo 24 hours on September 16/17, 2023. However, most of them were on classic bikes, while Nils also rode the VELLO folding bike.

VELLO world record, VELLO folding bike world record

Record-breaking until the end

Even after 24 hours, there's still energy inside! Nils Anger achieved his best time on the last lap. He completed the race on the approx. 11 km long circuit with a lap time of 20 minutes 45 seconds. He already had the world record in the bag.

We congratulate Nils on the world record and are particularly proud to have such a persistent and creative mechatronics engineer in our team!

More about the world record here.

VELLO folding bike world record, longest folding bike tour

Pictures: Sportograf